High Performance Computing Allocations

CompBioMed has been granted allocations on several large scale HPC resources to support the work of the project, shown in the table below.

Access to these resources is managed centrally. Anyone wanting to make use of an allocation on one or more of these machines should send an email to allocations@compbiomed.eu with the following information:

  • # core/hours & target machine (e.g. Archer, Cartesius, etc.)
  • Summary of intended research
  • Code used and (brief) description of parallel processing
  • If possible, a line or two on the need of a supercomputer and any experience with it is a plus

Below you will see some of the machines that we have access to and any limitations relating to those machines (especially for industrial partners)

Resource Name Hardware Cores GPU/CPU Notes for Industry Partners
BSC – MareNostrum 48,896 CPU
  • Industrial Partners will need specific permission to access this resource
  • Must not be used for commercial purposes
EPCC – Cirrus 10,080 CPU, 144 GPU CPU + GPU
  • Industrial Users do not need different permissions from other users
  • May be used for commercial purposes
  • Industrial Users do not need different permissions from other users
  • May be used for commercial purposes
SURFsara – Cartesius 40,960 CPU, 132 GPU CPU + GPU
  • Industrial Users do not need different permissions from other users
  • May be used for commercial purposes