SC, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, is one of the largest and most important conferences in computing. First established in 1988 by the Association for Computing Machinery and the IEEE Computer Society, it runs on an annual basis and attracts thousands of participants worldwide.
This year’s edition, SC20, will go virtual and provide a leading technical program for professionals and students in the HPC community. The Program is designed to share best practices in areas such as algorithms, applications, architectures and networks, clouds and distributed computing, data analytics, visualization, storage, machine learning and HPC, performance, programming systems, system software, and state of the practice in large-scale deployment and integration. The main structure will be as follows:
Tutorials: Monday–Tuesday, November 9–10, 2020
Workshops: Wednesday–Friday, November 11–13, 2020
Program: Monday–Thursday, November 16–19, 2020
and the full programme can be accessed here.
Practical Hybrid Parallel Application Performance Engineering
CompBioMed and its flagship code HemeLB will have a presence via the Practical Hybrid Parallel Application Performance Engineering Tutorial, taking place on Monday 9 November 2020 at 10:00-14:00 EST. In this tutorial, Brian Wylie from the POP EU Centre of Excellence will present state-of-the-art performance tools for leading-edge HPC systems founded on the community-developed Score-P instrumentation and measurement infrastructure, and demonstrates how they can be used for performance engineering of effective scientific applications based on standard MPI, OpenMP, hybrid combination of both and increasingly common usage of accelerators. HemeLB will be demonstrated as as benchmark software run on supercomputers SuperMUC-NG (MPI) and JUWELS/V100 (MPI+CUDA) in the presentation of the CUBE tools for interactive examination of analysis reports from Score-P runtime summarization and Scalasca automated event trace analysis.

Excerpt from the presentation of the CUBE tools.
The Scalasca summary analysis of HemeLB is available online from the execution with 13824 MPI processes on SuperMUC-NG and with 129 MPI processes on JUWELS/V100.
ProTools workshop at SC20
In addition to featuring the above analysis of HemeLB on SuperMUC-NG and JUWELS/V100 on Monday 9 November, the
corresponding assessment report was also be presented at a session as part of the ProTools workshop, to be presented on Thursday 12 November at 16:00-16:30 EST. The corresponding paper submitted to SC20 can be found here.