
WIRED Article

Roger Highfield has published an article with “WIRED” on Why we can’t trust ‘blind big data’ to cure the world’s diseases.

Chemistry World Article

Roger Highfield and Peter Coveney have published an article on the Chemistry World website, titled Big data needs big theory”. You can view the article here.

New Journal Issue on Multiscale Modelling to be Published

A new theme issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A journal will be published on 3rd October. Entitled Multiscale Modelling at the Physics–Chemistry–Biology Interface, the issue has been compiled and edited by P. V. Coveney, J. P. Boon and S. Succi. The issue addresses one of the most important questions in modern…

CompBioMed Kick Off Meeting

The CompBioMed Project Kick Off Meeting will take place 3-4th October 2016 in the Jessel Room, University of London, Senate House, University of London, Malet St, London WC1E 7HU. The meeting will open with an address by Professor David Price, UCL Vice-Provost (Research).